Influence Watch

Ron’s Donor Database

Who donates to Ron DeSantis? Use this tracker to search by category the high dollar donors funding Ron DeSantis’ relentless political ambitions.

Ron’s Big Money Map

Where do Ron DeSantis’ donations come from? This interactive map shows locations of big money donations to Ron DeSantis from throughout the country.

Ron’s Special Interest Breakdown

What are the top industries donating to Ron DeSantis? See which special interests make up the biggest funders to Ron DeSantis with this pie chart.

Methodology: This analysis examined donations to Friends of Ron DeSantis since the Governor declared his campaign in 2018, as well as donations to the Republican Party of Florida since January 1, 2019, days before he was sworn into office, until the Governor declared his candidacy for president on May 24, 2023, and only takes into account donations of $5,000 or more.

Note: The Friends of Ron DeSantis political committee was renamed Empower Parents PAC on May 15, 2023, prior to transferring more than $80 million to a Super PAC backing the Governor’s presidential campaign.