Sunburn — The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics — 7.7.23
A new video from DeSantis Watch is warning voters that DeSantis is a “threat coming for all of us.
A new video from DeSantis Watch is warning voters that DeSantis is a “threat coming for all of us.
“It’s no secret that the way to Ron DeSantis’ ear is through his campaign account,” said Anders Croy, communications director of DeSantis Watch, a political committee aimed at holding DeSantis accountable for policies that have harmed Floridians and curtailed their freedom.
Critics such as the DeSantis Watch group have noted that a total of “eighteen days out of thirty in the month of June that Florida’s Governor will have spent outside the state he was elected to govern.
“When billionaires and large corporations look at Florida, they know they can increase their bottom lines and decrease workers’ wages and not have to worry about regulations from the government.