STATEMENT: DeSantis Watch on Another Insurance Industry Giveaway by Ron

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1580, the “Quack Act,” which will allow insurers and providers to deny care or services to patients based on a “conscience-based objection.” In addition to providing a license to discriminate against women, the LGBTQ+ community, minorities, or people with disabilities, it provides a new avenue for private insurance corporations to maximize their profits by allowing payors, both the insurance companies themselves and large corporate employers, to deny coverage or care to those in need.

As noted by the Tampa Bay Times, the bill states, “Insurance companies could also refuse to pay for a service if it goes against their written, conscience-based guidelines.”

In response, DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy issued the following statement:

“The Quack Act is classic Ron DeSantis: divisive nonsense that targets the rights of Floridians while serving as a shield for his real goal of enriching his billionaire and corporate elite donors. Time and again, Ron DeSantis has proven that he is an insurance industry shill who will do their bidding no matter the real-world cost to Floridians, whether it is allowing them to be price gouged through skyrocketing premiums or denied access to essential health care services. When your insurance company or giant corporate employer refuses to cover the lifesaving care that you need, please be sure to thank Ron DeSantis for putting the needs of the donors who fund his political ambitions ahead of your freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe.”