As Ron DeSantis sought to “reset” his flailing campaign for president last month, he made liberal use of taxpayer dollars while doing so. Due to a new law signed by the Governor just before launching for president in May that keeps his travel records secret, questions are being raised about his abuse of taxpayer funds for a series of fundraisers in Tennessee last month. Mystery also still surrounds why a state plane flew to New Hampshire just ahead of the Governor’s appearance there to campaign during the Independence Day holiday.
Altogether, Florida’s Governor spent seventeen days out of thirty-one in the month of July outside the state that he was elected to govern, while collecting one hundred percent of his taxpayer-funded salary.

Meanwhile, Floridians are begging the Governor to come back to Florida and do his job as the state continues to sink further into an affordability crisis.
In response, DeSantis Watch Constituencies Director Natasha Sutherland issued the following statement:
“Ron DeSantis is using millions of Florida taxpayers’ dollars to travel the country while he runs for president, to deny public records requests for the details of that travel, and to defend the unconstitutional laws passed to aid his political ambitions in court. Floridians deserve better than a governor who believes our tax dollars are his personal piggy bank as he panders to primary voters and begs billionaires and corporate elites for cash to prop up his disastrous campaign for president. The people of our state are working harder than ever and stretching every penny just to pay the bills during Ron DeSantis’ affordability crisis but the Governor is only concerned with how he can ‘reset’ his lost cause of a campaign.”