DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s Miami Meltdown

Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ Miami meltdown at tonight’s GOP presidential primary debate, DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy released the following statement:

“Our thoughts are with the people of Miami who had to deal with the overwhelming stench of desperation emanating off Governor Ron DeSantis as he flailed around tonight trying to save his floundering campaign for president. What these debates have clearly shown is that Ron DeSantis cannot hide from his offputting record as Governor of always prioritizing the needs of his billionaire and corporate elite donors over the needs of his constituents here in Florida who are suffering under an affordability crisis he created. Americans deserve a president who will lift them up with higher wages, lower costs, and an affordable future, but all Ron DeSantis has to offer is a platform that elevates his own political ambitions while giving workers and seniors the boot.”