DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s State of the State Address

TALLAHASSEE — Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ State of the State address today at the Florida Capitol, DeSantis Watch Constituencies Director Natasha Sutherland released the following statement:

“Last March, Governor Ron DeSantis stood in front of his rubber stamps in the Florida Legislature and outlined a dangerous, anti-freedom agenda he believed would cement his place as the most extreme Republican candidate for president in the country, putting him on a glide path to the nomination. 

“But over the last year, as Floridians have been forced to deal with consequences of the Governor’s oversized political ambitions that have made our state the least free and most unaffordable state in the nation, Ron DeSantis has been missing in action from his actual job as the American people overwhelmingly rejected his discount brand dictator act from Des Moines to Nashua. 

“While it was nice of the Governor to show up to work while continuing to collect his $141,000 a year paycheck, today’s speech made clear that when he finally does return home for good, he will have no solutions to offer to any of the real issues impacting the people he was elected to serve.”