DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s Loss in Iowa

TALLAHASSEE — Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ landslide defeat in the Iowa caucuses, DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy released the following statement:

“Over the last seven months, Ron DeSantis set out to prove that the more you got to know Florida’s Governor, the less you would like him. Without the safe confines of a rubber stamp legislature, the ability to tightly control his interactions with voters and the media, and the adoring embrace of a propaganda machine set up solely to project an image of Ron DeSantis that never truly existed, no amount of billionaire and corporate elite money could paper over the truth of the Governor’s anti-freedom and cruelty-fueled record or vision for our nation.

“Now, after wasting millions of Floridians’ taxpayer dollars to travel the country to line his own pockets promoting his book, to speak at every extreme right-wing rubber chicken dinner that would welcome his clammy recitations of his own brilliance, and to defend lawsuits over unconstitutional laws passed solely to aid his run for the presidency, Ron DeSantis’ national political ambitions were pronounced dead tonight in Iowa.”