Arnie Arnesen Attitude June 6, 2023
We talk with Anders Croy, of Florida Watch, DeSantis Watch about how Florida has been changed into a red state by the actions of the Republican party.
We talk with Anders Croy, of Florida Watch, DeSantis Watch about how Florida has been changed into a red state by the actions of the Republican party.
“This really is what’s coming to the country,” says Anders Croy, communications director at Florida Watch, a progressive group.
“A lo largo de su tiempo como gobernador, Ron DeSantis ha asaltado implacablemente las libertades de la gente de Florida, mientras baña a sus donantes de élite multimillonarios y corporativos con miles de millones en dádivas de los contribuyentes y a medida que el costo de la vivienda, la propiedad y el seguro de automóviles, […]
The group Florida Watch has criticized DeSantis’ policies for years and appears ready to go national with concerns, setting up press conferences with media in states when DeSantis’ book tour has rolled into town.