Press Releases

  • Press Releases

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron Wasting Taxpayer Dollars in South Carolina

TALLAHASSEE — Today, Florida (emphasis ours) Governor Ron DeSantis will be holding a taxpayer funded press conference in South Carolina to reportedly discuss an issue unrelated to the number one problem facing his constituents – an affordability crisis devastating families and communities across the state he was elected to govern.

  • Press Releases

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron Suspending His Campaign for President

TALLAHASSEE — Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to suspend his campaign for president, DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy released the following statement: “For the last five years, Florida’s Governor has waged a relentless battle against the freedoms of the people of his own state.

  • Press Releases

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s Loss in Iowa

TALLAHASSEE — Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ landslide defeat in the Iowa caucuses, DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy released the following statement: “Over the last seven months, Ron DeSantis set out to prove that the more you got to know Florida’s Governor, the less you would like him.

  • Press Releases

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s State of the State Address

TALLAHASSEE — Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ State of the State address today at the Florida Capitol, DeSantis Watch Constituencies Director Natasha Sutherland released the following statement: “Last March, Governor Ron DeSantis stood in front of his rubber stamps in the Florida Legislature and outlined a dangerous, anti-freedom agenda he believed would cement his place as the most extreme […]