“Unfortunately for Floridians, their right to have the freedom to make their own private health care decisions has become just another pawn in Ron DeSantis’ political ambitions,” said Anders Croy, spokesman for DeSantis Watch, a website critical of the governor that is backed by progressive nonprofit organizations.
Later today, Governor Ron DeSantis will take time out of his busy schedule of holding fundraisers with billionaires and the corporate elite outside the state he was elected to serve to give a speech on energy policy in Midland, Texas.
We discuss the mood in Florida in the light of DeSantis’ presidential campaign, which seems to be imploding.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis filed an updated federal financial disclosure which showed that he was paid an additional $100,000 for “marketing” his recent “politician’s memoir churned out by ChatGPT” that was not reported on his previous filing.